Improving access to Social Services in Berlin

Organised by Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin

This challenge seeks to revolutionize how social services in Berlin connect with those in need. has laid the groundwork by enabling various organizations to list their services online, targeting a wide array of groups including families, individuals with disabilities, migrants, and many more. However, with only a fraction of available services currently listed, the challenge now is to vastly increase the platform's offerings and enhance accessibility, making it a comprehensive hub for all Berliners in search of support.

Therefore, goals of this challenge entail not only expanding the database but also ensuring its usability for groups most in need, such as the elderly, people with disabilities, and those facing language and cultural barriers.

Choose one of these 3 Goals for your Project

Goal: Expand the platform's social services offering.

Objective: Increase the listing of services from both member and external organizations on the platform, aiming to automate the process and reduce manual input.

Metric: Projected number of services listed on the platform.

Goal: Boost user traffic to the platform.

Objective: Enhance marketing efficiency to attract more users with minimal effort.

Metric: Projected users coming from marketing efforts.

Goal: Enhance the platform's accessibility.

Objective: Improve the platform's usability to accommodate users with special needs, including language barriers, digital literacy, and familiarity with the services provided.

Metric: Projected activity of new and returning users.

Our Challenge Partner

Behind this initiative stands the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin, a beacon of hope committed to fostering a city where high-quality social services are accessible to everyone. With a network of 800 organizations and a combined force of over 62,000 employees and 30,000 volunteers, the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin is poised to make a significant impact.

Despite offering around 10,000 services citywide, the challenge lies in integrating these resources into to ensure no one is left behind. As the challenge partner, they bring invaluable experience and a vast network, aiming to transform the platform into a central point of contact for all social services in Berlin.

Our Challenge Partner Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin

Impacted People

  • 708,000 residents aged 65 or over

  • 339,870 severely disabled individuals
  • 58% of which are aged 65 and over

  • 1.51 million people with a migration background
  • 744,915 residents with foreign citizenship

Interesting projects you can already join as volunteer or team leader

AI Assistant Social Service Search

Allow users of Socialmap Berlin to find services to meet their needs even if they are not familiar with the technical terminology or official nomenclature of the help they are looking to get.

Marketing for Good

Automate and improve the creation of marketing campaigns to enable non-specialists to achieve successful results without too much cost or distraction from their core social work activities.

AI Assistant for SocialMap Berlin

Specialized LLM to find, categorize, structure and deduplicate Social Service listings that should be added to Socialmap Berlin to broaden the coverage for citizens.

MultiLang SocialMaps

Provide automated translation for multiple languages using advanced AI translation approaches that are capable of dealing with the target languages.

To take part in the Open Innovation Programme, join our platform below:

You have these 2 options to contribute:

If you already have an idea to tackle one of the challenges and want to lead a team of volunteers as a project owner (Deadline 15. April)

Support as a volunteer to see the project opportunities and get matched.

Expertise desired for the challenge

See overall expertise projected to be needed for the challenge. Further specialised knowledge depends on submitted solutions and is visible on the matching platform once you sign up.

  • AI Ecosystem
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Programming and Software Engineering
  • Mathematical and Statistical Foundations
  • Social Work Knowledge

More info on the Program

The 'AI for Public Sector Impact' program is a collaborative initiative between N3XTCODER and Microsoft, aimed at harnessing the power of AI for the public good. It brings together technology experts, public sector innovators, and open-source communities to address real-life challenges in the public sector. The program is structured into phases that include project submission and volunteer matching, hands-on project sprints to develop solutions, and the showcasing of the most successful innovations. It's a platform for participants to learn, innovate, and contribute to meaningful societal change using AI technology.

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