Software development, product design, and tech events with purpose

N3xtcoder illustration
Whether you’re part of a large organisation that wants to drive their sustainable digital transformation, an entrepreneur with a concept, or a startup with a product in its infancy: we’ve got you covered.
Bio Markt

Our Work

With decades of experience, across multiple domains bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and social impact, highlights below:

Photo of a man

N3XTCODER is a partner with expertise in agile digital platform development who also sees collaboration as a value. Up until November 2021, we conceptualized, designed and developed the digital experience of together. N3XTCODER quickly became a strong extension of our web development team at dennree and helped us apply agile methodologies to our current and future projects.

Lukas Nossol

Head of Communications at BioMarkt Verbund

Our Services

We work with game-changing organisations to create digital experiences through apps, websites, digital platforms, and live community events.

Our Values

All our projects support the 17 Global Goals that have been launched by the United Nations.

SDG's and N3xtcoder team collage

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