Multilang Socialmap Team

Multilang Socialmap: AI tool grating access to social welfare.

written by N3XTCODER2024-07-31T09:53:33.707Z

Today we speak with Maximilian Greiner, with a Business Development Background, studied electrical engineering, and one year work experience as business analyst, he joined the Multilang Socialmap team to help developing the concept and solution, in our last** Open Innovation Programme who pitched at re:publica in May this year.**

N3XTCODER: Why Multilang Social Map, what inspired you?

Maximilian: The aim of the project is to make the Socialmap platform of the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin accessible to as many people of different nationalities and cultures as possible with a chatbot. We want to support a wide range of languages, including easy language, and the bot should use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to provide users with targeted support and avoid giving unhelpful answers.

Before starting the programme, what was your knowledge of the challenge and its scope?

I had never heard of this challenge before; a colleague at the company where I work recommended it to me and I decided to join.

participants AI for Impact programme

Why did you choose this particular challenge?

To enable targeted searches in a given database using RAG, and to make this accessible in many languages. It was one of the key goals, in my opinion, for the Paritätischer challenge.

How has been the progress from idea to project and pitch? 

I experienced the different phases of team development -forming, storming, norming. 

All our meetings have been remote which was a challenge. However, we had  a really creative and constructive phase towards the end of the project.

How do you think AI influences your product/project? Would the results have been the same without the implementation of AI features?

Without implementation of AI features, there would be no chatbot as we used for our solution. So AI has had a really big impact on the outcome of our project that make us reach the second position in the final pitch.

Multilang Socialmap team

What's your vision for the next six months? Where do you expect your project/product to be?

Our overall goal is to create a live version of the Multilang Socialmap Chatbot, so the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin can use it on their website.

Our next steps are first to meet as soon as possible to align as a team, and then we hope to meet with the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin, and also of course N3XTCODER to explore further support for our project. For development our next task is to integrate the Capito plain language tool into our product.

What's your personal view on using AI to generate impact for people and the planet?

AI is very helpful already in everyday  life (e.g. smart devices).

I think that with the help of AI new materials could be found that could reduce co2 emissions. Furthermore, logistic routes could be optimised and so on.